The Bible has historic truths in it that most who look into it cannot deny, including historical figures, so here's a short summary of the historical perspective of the Bible, from Abraham, to Moses.
Abraham had a son named Isaac, who married Rebeka. Isaac had to travel to find Rebeka, so would have a wife with the same values. They had two sons, Esau & Jacob. When Isaac went to bless Esau and give him his inheritance, Rebeka helped Jacob trick Isaac into giving it to him instead. When Esau finds out, he wants to kill Jacob, so Rebeka tells Jacob to run away. Jacob gets married to two wives, Leah & Rachel. Eventually, he wants to go home but is still worried about Esau. Later, he changed his name to Israel as he is a new man, and has felt the presence of God. Altogether, Jacob had 12 sons; his favorite was Joseph.
Joseph’s brothers didn’t like him that much, so they sold him into slavery in Egypt. Joseph ends up having prophetic dreams and tells them to the Pharaoh, so he gains a lot of status very quickly. His brothers end up fleeing to Egypt too, where Joseph reveals who he is and says he’ll help protect them. After Joseph dies though, the Israelites aren’t protected anymore, and they start to grow as a people, which makes the Egyptians very nervous. So they start doing things to enslaved them, including ordering their male children to be killed. But the Egyptian midwives took pity on the Hebrew mothers and babies, which is how Moses ended up surviving this genocide, and put in a basket on the Nile river, where an Egyptian princess found him and adopted him.
Then, Moses grows up, and he sees the Israelites and helps them when he can, but they still despise him as he is royalty of their enemy. So Moses abandons his life in Egypt and helps the Israelites escape from slavery. Moses starts to take them some place safe, but they are whiny. They complain they are now stranded without food or water and they were better off without Moses as slaves.
Moses gets angry and goes to the top of a mountain for a few days to consult with God, telling the Israelites to stay where he left them. While gone, the Israelites lose faith in God and Moses. Thinking Moses dead, the Israelites create the golden calf using all their valuables to mold into such a statue, hoping their worship and sacrifice of all their jewels will be enough to create a deity to help them. This is when Moses comes down from the mountain. He wrote down something that said not to worship other Gods. Seeing the Israelites have already betrayed this law, he smashes the tablet in anger. Then the Israelites are made to melt down and eat the golden calf as punishment and Moses goes to the mountain to re-create the tablet he destroyed.