The Tower of Babel is a Bible story, from the Book of Genesis describing a time when everyone spoke the same language, and was one, until the people became so advanced that they attempted to build a tower to reach the heavens. So God cast them throughout the world, unable to communicate with one another when the tower fell.
The people tried to become as powerful as God, by trying to cheat nature both physically and metaphorically, which of course did not work. It is just not possible to build a tower to heaven. You would simply fail to reach space; it is just the nature of the world.
However, the world had such unity and power God chose to separate them. Why would God destroy this unity? Wouldn’t unity like that bring peace? Everyone working together to try and do something, the entire world united, why would any higher power that is good choose to allow this to fail?
The stability of society is fragile and faulty. People cannot be in the ultimate position of God by putting their own worldview in the highest position. Even though you have people working together, each individual has their own motives, and they aren't all 'speaking' the same metaphorical language, because that's the nature of humans. The world isn't meant to be perfect. It must be imperfect to have free will and therefore morality. That which is in your heart's mind is what is important.
When people communicate, those with different opinions can come to an understanding when they have the same worldview and ultimate high unreachable standards like truth, goodness, and beauty. If people try to make their own ultimate truth, they are making themselves God which is a cheat in nature and will inherently fail. Even experts cannot comprehend the ultimate high because the goal is to reach for it, not obtain it. It is impossible to those below God, and God has no peers. This becomes a power struggle because everyone’s views are too different for anyone to understand each other. It is a language barrier because no one strives for the same ultimate presupposition that something is true.
True unity means to understand each others’ worldviews and have the same ultimate goal in life to strive for, the ultimate truth, to be able to communicate and have the highest form of good relationship with your people. That is what anyone, religious or not, can take out of the story of the Tower of Babel.